Homemade Mayonnaise
Homemade condiments not only taste delicious, they are often better for you, more cost-efficient and don’t require a trip to the grocery store—a true benefit during these unprecedented shelter-in-place times.
Homemade mayonnaise is versatile and can be incorporated into many dishes to enhance flavor, texture and add that extra level of deliciousness to sandwiches, salads, dips, etc.
When making mayonnaise at home, you know exactly what is going into it. There are also fewer ingredients because you are not creating an item that has to be shelf stable and last for months and months. You can tell the difference when a condiment is made fresh at home compared to what you might pick up at the store. And you can also customize the mayonnaise to your preferences and even get creative and add in fresh herbs or spices for an interesting twist on an old classic.
While we might have been taught to think of mayonnaise as being unhealthy, the two main ingredients involved in making homemade mayonnaise (egg yolk & olive oil) are actually full of nutrients. The trick is making sure to use high quality ingredients—especially since you are using a raw egg yolk—go for the high quality eggs. Once you have this, the rest is relatively easy!
Chef Olive demonstrates above in the video how to pull off the perfect homemade mayonnaise to start making in your own kitchen at home.
1 large egg yolk
1 cup Oil of choice
1 Tbsp dijoin mustard
1-2 Tbsp Lemon juice or vinegar
To taste Salt & Pepper
Optional garlic (pasted)
Mixing bowl
Whisk the egg yolk and dijon mustard until well blended. Slowly pour, at first just a few drips, of the oil while whisking until about 2/3rds of it is incorporated into the bowl. Whisk in some lemon juice. Finish whisking in the oil and season with salt and pepper.
*The more oil used, the thicker the sauce, the more acid (lemon juice/vinegar), the thinner the sauce. Make to your preference.